Serenity Savings


Are you self-employed? Do you have an irregular income? Do you work in the informal sector? Would you like to be protected in case of a downturn in your business or in your old age? We have what you need: SERENITY SAVINGS.

You have two choices:

  1. Serenity Free

How it works

The product " SÉRÉNITÉ LIBRE " of L'AFRICAINE VIE BÉNIN SA offers you:

In case of life at the end of the contributions, the payment of a capital;

In the event of death or absolute and definitive disability, the payment of your savings to the beneficiary (ies) designated at the time of subscription.

One-time guarantee


Benefits of the Serenity Savings product 

Serenity Borrower/Micro Borrower

Serenity Savings

With Serenity Saving, your savings work for you. It can be used as collateral for a loan. The remuneration of your savings is net of taxes and you can recover them in instalments or in one go.

SERENITY SAVINGS, nwe have what you need!



To subscribe, simply :

2. Serenity Capitalization

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Borrower's insurance taken out to secure a loan provides coverage in the event of death, disability and/or loss of employment. When one of these events occurs, the insurer reimburses the loan installments, in whole or in part.

The ECA or Retirement Allowance , constitute a commitment, known as a social liability, which every company must include in the notes to its balance sheet. In the event of simultaneous departures, its payment may lead to cash flow variations that are detrimental to the balance of its accounts.

What will happen to my family when I am gone? How can I provide a future for my children with the risks of my job? How will I be able to meet the funeral expenses of my elderly parents or in-laws?